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Bridget's Blog - All Things Wensleydale

Bridget’s July Blog – Weddings...
30 Jul 2022 Saturday

Bridget’s July Blog – Weddings...


Bridget's Blog


My editor said in a quiet voice that she might not have time to edit my scribbles in May as she was getting married. Surely she could do both? But I had forgotten what the word “wedding” meant as we careered into our first of two...

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Bridget’s November Blog – A...
5 Nov 2021 Friday

Bridget’s November Blog – A...


Bridget's Blog


I’ve bought a new kitchen - not to be outdone by my son, who has rebuilt a small dovecote barn, his shopping list for Leyburn was much more exciting than mine - and top of the list was a kitchen. I saw the kitchen on a web site, and it...

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Bridget's August Blog - A...
26 Aug 2021 Thursday

Bridget's August Blog - A...


Bridget's Blog


OK, I have had a few months off from my blog, and while I’m not sure a lot of people have noticed, when I was editing my photographs, I thought I would like to share a few from the Summer. It's been a Summer of cautiously coming out...

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