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Bridget's Blog - All Things Wensleydale

Bridget's Summer Blog
13 Jul 2024 Saturday

Bridget's Summer Blog


Bridget's Blog


I am loving the fact that I am still wearing a vest in early July. No need for fly spray, no searching for water, no fans or cold towels for hot pregnant pigs. And no-one gets to see my arms. It’s a win win. More pluses from the weather...

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Bridget's Easter Blog
29 Mar 2024 Friday

Bridget's Easter Blog


Bridget's Blog


At this time of the year, it is the turn of the hens to make themselves heard and clearly they are loving every part of the day. The very small Lavender Brahma cockerel starts the day crowing in the stable - for a tiny bird you need the...

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Bridget's New Year Blog
20 Jan 2024 Saturday

Bridget's New Year Blog


Bridget's Blog


Not a great start to the New Year as we had a senior team player missing. I said there wasn’t a body so there was still hope. And sure as eggs are eggs, there she was two days later in the right place. Obviously she can’t talk, as...

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Bridget’s Blog – Escapes and...
3 Jun 2023 Saturday

Bridget’s Blog – Escapes and...


Bridget's Blog


It was a lively start to the last Bank Holiday of May with seven Highland cows walking up the A684 at 6.30am with West Witton in their sights. Luckily, they recognised home - or the bull smelt some interesting heifers - and they trotted through a...

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Bridget’s Spring Blog – Ginger...
25 Mar 2023 Saturday

Bridget’s Spring Blog – Ginger...


Bridget's Blog


Good news and bad - all the highlands have safely delivered their five calves. But with one heifer and four bull calves, we will only have one replacement for the herd in two-years’ time. Swinithwaite Highland Herd My...

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