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Bridget's Blog - All Things Wensleydale

Bridget's February Blog
6 Feb 2017 Monday

Bridget's February Blog



Bridget's Blog


The combination of February, hooves and grass = mud!    The team have been more than happy to spend some time under cover, munching hay and escaping the soggy ground and cold weather. It’s a stop and start time of year. We get a...

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Bridget's January Blog
12 Jan 2017 Thursday

Bridget's January Blog



Bridget's Blog


Today was one of peace and calm. After all the hustle and bustle of Christmas and the holidays it was special to have time with the animal rounds without meetings or deadlines to worry about. The animals love it too. They know when they are being...

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Bridget's December Blog
1 Dec 2016 Thursday

Bridget's December Blog

1st December 2016


Bridget's Blog


It is the 1st of December and at last, I can put pen to paper again, November seemed to go on forever. The Herriot Flavours Award winners are announced this week, Berry's has made the finals in two categories, the Best Breakfast and the Best...

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Bridget's November Blog
17 Nov 2016 Thursday

Bridget's November Blog


Bridget's Blog


Berry's big news is that we have taken on a new manager, Mandy Swift. She is in her fourth week and is still smiling! Mandy has been chucked into the deep end, coping with a very busy half term for her introduction. We have had some terrific PR...

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Bridget's October Blog
20 Oct 2016 Thursday

Bridget's October Blog


Bridget's Blog


It's a beautiful Autumn here at Berry's and the trees are heavy with apples and pears. Luckily there is no waste as Tiger, our lovely Kune Kune pig does a sweep under the apple tree every evening on his way to his night time barn. He then tries...

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