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Bridget's Blog - All Things Wensleydale

Bridget's September Blog
19 Sep 2016 Monday

Bridget's September Blog


Bridget's Blog


What fun August was. There was so much going on I didn't get chance to put pen to paper, so this is my bumper blog for August and September. There was definitely a motorcar theme for August with 20 Porsches and Ferraris roaring into Berry's car...

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Bridget's July Blog
14 Jul 2016 Thursday

Bridget's July Blog


Bridget's Blog


The highlight of the last 3 weeks has been the Hay Meadow Weekend, we had lovely weather and the singers and dancers could perform happily with no rain or wind to cope with. We had stick makers, weavers, spinners and many suppliers to tempt us...

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Bridget's June Blog
20 Jun 2016 Monday

Bridget's June Blog


Bridget's Blog


For our Open Farm Sunday the sun shone and we had over 100 extra visitors to Berry's. Some highlights were Tim's Farm tours - here he is showing off the highland cattle. The smiling Scouts from the 1st Wensleydale Scout Troop helped supervise...

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Bridget's May Blog - Part Two
25 May 2016 Wednesday

Bridget's May Blog - Part Two


Bridget's Blog


At last the cattle have been put out to grass - it must be a lovely feeling for them after the barns. As if to celebrate the large pale south Devon cow had a lovely calf, we hope to have it on show for 1/2 term and Open Farm Sunday 5th June....

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Bridget's May Blog - Part One
16 May 2016 Monday

Bridget's May Blog - Part One


Bridget's Blog


As all the young stock are growing fast - it always amazes me how quickly the piglets, calves, lambs and chicks eat solid food after they are born, within a few days all the young stock with try hay, nuts or grass. The chickens that hatched at...

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