Some of my colleagues on holiday were very quick to unwind after the hectic bustle of ordinary life. I was just happy to spend time with my daughter and now future son in law!
Once home, it was straight back into some lively Farm tours. Two lads in dark glasses, fresh from LA started the tour and asked where were the wild beasts!
I wasn't sure how the pet lambs, cuddly rabbit, baby chicks, piglets, miniature Shetland and calves were going to fare, luckily Mango did a great turn as a wild boar on the loose, and we were able to find a black and white bull with wild eyes and a ring in his nose. Where are the highlanders when you need them!
Family photo of our Golden Brahma Cockerel
Still my favourite Farm tour participator is Oliver. He came on a tour in the Spring, grabbed the wheelbarrow and said we had lots in common because I have a son called Oliver and his best farm animal was the pig - I just knew we going to get along! He gave me 10 out of 10 for the tour and said he would definitely be back for his 12th Birthday party next year!
Farm wise the hay is in. Lucky you who made it all in early July. Combining is flat out in between the rain showers, pigeon pie is back on the menu and the lambs are looking more chunky and less cute.
Elspeth, the Manx Loaghton sheep will lose her lambs next week but I don't think she will mind , I have my eye on a Jacob tup that has turned up with my neighbour as an ideal match for Elspeth this Autumn.

Rolo has been struggling with his weight and the grass. He is allowed out for 4 hours a day as too much grass gives him Laminitus which is very painful for the Pony's feet. He was cheered up this week by a volunteer who washed him and trimmed his tail.

Mango has been enjoying the extra grass and Harry is just about ok about sharing his field with Mango as long the feeding arrangements are kept separate.

Tiger and Traffic Light are also loving some extra grazing...
Duchess and Sherlock, the Berkshire sow and Gloucester old spot cross boar, are clearly companionable but, they seem to lack a certain passion in their relationship.
Another problem with going away is no one takes your word for it any more. When I argued that just because the pygmy goats were in their field in the morning, ready for breakfast, doesn't mean they haven't had a night causing havoc and destruction to both the frightened Yurt guests and the newly planted hedges and trees. I was asked for evidence! I'll get evidence and order some pig wire fencing.
It is all systems go for the music evening in the courtyard on Friday 25th August, we hope to raise more funds to enable young children in the Dale to have the chance to learn a musical instrument. Tickets are selling quick and it should be a very lively evening. 
The day before is the very colourful (sorry, I’m not a petrol head) display of classic cars for the Heather and Honey Run, this will our 5th year of holding this event.
We have enjoyed some extra publicity at Berry's from the Series, Yorkshire Dales and the Lakes on More 4. We were filmed serving up duck and partridge for a Game evening last Autumn which went down very well.
With the school holidays in full flood, let’s hope the rest of the month is less rainbow and more blue skies.