Guilty isn’t guilty, she hasn’t done enough for that label - she was a gilt last year and because she has a rather competitive nature, to the extent of bullying, the name Guilty sat rather easily with her. Guilty has a lovely sister who was always happy to play second fiddle and looked after everyone’s else’s children. When, much later than everyone else, she had children she counted it as a true blessing; she has earned the label of Auntie. Well - tables were turned last week when Auntie produced 9 smashing little piglets before Guilty, there was havoc and noise.

Auntie's litter

Tessa, our new general manager meeting Auntie's litter.
Miss Cream Legbar was summoned, extra straw was administered, beds were made and inspected, then Guilty lay down heavily not to be stirred until she had caught up with sister Auntie, and true enough 10 more piglets were born that night and calm was restored.

Miss Cream Legbar on the scene.
I hate to admit it but Guilty’s litter have got a fabulous selection of colours, stripes and spots, and of course one more then Auntie.

Guilty's litter
We also have a “situation” developing in the rabbit hutch, Miss Cream Legbar is showing no signs of stopping her egg production for the winter and she will not share the hutch with a rabbit. Flopsey is starting to get damp in his not so water proof summer run. We might have to move the rabbit run into a stable and hope the cooks won’t need it for their terriers in a few weeks, there’s always something!

I have put a Nancy Jackson apple into my Harvest Festival Crumble, it took some thought as I only have 5, and I was told not to eat any of them till November when they have matured. But I can’t wait any longer and I hope the Harvest lunch are blown away by her. Apparently, this particularly apple is an excellent all-rounder and described as “a buxom wench, firm fleshed, strong shouldered and smooth skinned”. It makes the descriptions of wines sound rather ordinary!

Nancy Jackson and ordinary Swinithwaite.
It’s a fun time of year - around every corner is a new box of apples or pears left for the animals to feast on, this pile of red apples has been a particularly good hit with the pony, llamas, goat and sheep - all the kind suppliers will get a packet of pork chops shortly.

Apple city!
Poor Tiger has never been fast at decision making, being given a choice of food is confusing, and everyone else dives in while he is thinking it through.


Traffic sharing.
The highland cows were walked down the hill and we said good bye to the black bull Callum.

While those left were checked over and all had their feet trimmed for the Winter.

A rather ordinary heifer calf went up the hill in July looking like a brindle colour but she has returned after the summer as a black heifer.

It’s great because they are not so common as the brown highlands and it has taken me three years to produce a black heifer, all being well she will be kept for breeding.
The steak & music night with Vinni has been moved to Friday 30th November. We are planning the menu and will have all the details next month.

My daughter has been setting up her new home in Geneva with her new husband Daniel, and I was pleased to send a few bits of furniture to remind her of home.

Amazingly the roses have survived the storms and come back with a blast for Autumn.

And a tired dog needs 3 bean bags to recover these days.

I hope to have more time for dog walking in the new Year if the new plans for Berry’s go well - more news next month!