Two reasons for a late July blog. First, I couldn’t write about the “ W “ event without the words going all blurry, and secondly, I was holding out for news of Doris, our pregnant Pygmy goat, but she is making everyone wait.
With a full week having passed since we had the celebration of our daughter’s wedding we can now talk about the event. It was all very emotional, and everyone pulled out all the stops, including the organist, to get the place looking its best. Not easy with the lawns looking brown and flowers failing to bloom. Everyone was put to work, either collecting ivy or moss with the Bride leading the work force.

Matilda collecting greenery for the decorations.

Ivy was in demand to create a country theme.
I failed on the request for sweet peas, but the Berry’s animals performed perfectly! Even to the extent of the highland bull, Callum, remembering to walk past when the happy couple posed by the garden wall.

Harry entertaining a Flower Girl.
I kept myself busy after the wedding recycling some of the gorgeous flowers in the village.

With the busy build up I did not have time to do my daily animal rounds and I have missed them. I am now full on while everyone else has a well-earned rest. The three musketeers are still up to their tricks. These two decided to take a bath and check the temperature!

and Elspeth is showing off her summer outfit.

Elspeth has the Yurt guests eating out of her hand. They all scratch her to find the tickly bits and judging by her loitering around the Hazel Yurt I think she could be sharing breakfast too. I haven’t the heart to tell her everyone thinks she is a goat.
There was a drama unfolding this week on a high window ledge when the young House Martins refused to take that first step of launching into fresh air, even with the parents showing them many times how it was done.

Fluffy balls on the ledge.
However, it was quite a drop so they did have a point.

I have found a few on the ground and with a throw in the air they relish a second chance. They are miracles of nature.
The tarmac has been melting on the roads of Wensleydale, and the lack of water is starting to affect stock and the growth of fodder for the Winter, meaning it is a daily check of water in the troughs and again, the highlands have come up trumps by finding a spring to live off while finding a living of sorts on the hill side.
The river has been enjoyed by man and dog, sometimes at the same time. It has been a lovely way to cool down.

Thoughts are now focused on the extra holiday events happening at Berry’s - the many themed children’s parties and the music in the court yard evening on 24th August, a great way to start the Bank Holiday.
Just heard Doris has done it - a little boy, mother and son doing well!

Doris and her little billy born today.