I sat next to a man who said his month doesn't properly start until he had read my blog, that's flattery, and there was me thinking it was just the children and some press ganged friends of children who read it!
So quickly on with June...
Do you know the northern saying " never cast a clout until the May is out"? It is nothing to do with May, it is all about the white Hawthorn Blossom called May - and that has been out for at least a month, so my Winter jumpers are stored away and some cotton shirts have floated to the top of my clothes pile.

This Highland Heifer is stretching up for the May blossom, it might taste good or she is hinting she could do with some fresh pasture - if she was meant to eat hawthorn she would have evolved with a longer neck, I'll move her!
The blossom is a special part of Spring, especially this year where there has been little rain or wind to knock it off. I love the apple blossom best. It comes after the rather bright cherry and crab apple shades and is soft and pretty. This apple tree is over 100 years old and had the best cookers ever.

The pink carpet left when all the blossom has finished is like a path after a summer wedding.
With the Spring being so dry we have tried to keep a puddle wet for the house martins, our yard puddle has been very popular with the locals, its the only time you see these little fliers on the ground.
My new cockerels arrived safely from Norfolk , I was talked into having two, as I couldn't decide on colouring. It was a mistake as we now have crowing in stereo every morning - our Yurt customers love it, proper farm yard effects.There have been some interesting thoughts on naming the new arrivals, last suggestion was Wesley for one and Dale for the other. I will need a bigger hen house to accommodate Wesley's trousers, definitely flares.

We have been having fun with Duchess's piglets - within ten days they had doubled in size and were eating solids and having their share greens, all good training for their future running around in the wood. Certainly looking chunky from the back view!

Elspeth's twins are also on to lamb nuts, with a watchful friend who will be hoovering up afterwards.

The male twin is getting some impressive horns.

The Highland cows are gearing up for their trek up the mountain, those born rather later then everyone else will have to trot on with quite short legs. I decided against hair cuts as protection against flies and rain seemed more important then eyesight, not that much is missed.
Rolo the pony is hoping for a bath this half term, I need some enthusiastic bucket throwers who don't mind getting wet, I don't usually have a problem with volunteers. Rolo's owner came home to check on him and said he is definitely ready for his biannual bath.

I can't resist a sunset. This one was taken from an upstairs window.
The later opening times have been enjoyed with supper in the courtyard in the evening sun, this week we have a special menu for the Swaledale festival followers which has been popular. The chefs have gone to town with swirly bits and delicious fish and chicken recipes and our Yurt glamping guests have a very short walk back to their cosy abode after pudding and a glass or two.

Our latest team arrival is Suzette who has come to join the catering team just in time for the late opening hours and a hopefully frantic Summer. Suzette is coming up with some great menu ideas already, and has a ready smile whatever the pressure!
The front of house team enjoyed an evening with Sam from Lontons coffee who talked a great deal about frothy milk and patterns and shots of coffee, he is keen to come back to check progress and the team seem keen to make a date.
When the rain finally came at the weekend the Berry's team had forgotten what it looked like and were very reluctant to venture out in it!

But it was needed and will hopefully get the grass moving again.
I went to a lovely wedding this weekend and the Bride arrived riding side saddle on a white charger, it was truly spectacular. It got me wondering about the Llamas.....?