The minute January is done and dusted, the French Partridge start to strut around the garden. I feel as though I am being inspected, as every bush and border is checked over and nothing distracts them. They are so absorbed that predators and other distractions are ignored, while plans are discussed and made. I wonder if we have passed the test and will be selected?
While on the subject of Spring, I am learning some new adjectives from being the owner of a possibly pregnant pet Sheep, Elspeth. I was asked if she was "softening", I wasn't sure if this was a mental or physical change, she certainly still has a short temper! My daughter was worried Elspeth's character might change if she has a lamb, I am full of hope! Elspeth is as bossy as ever, so it must be a physical change and might need tossing her over, I'm all for waiting!
Black Adder, the young pygmy Goat, is entertaining the crowds during the lull with his dancing. It started as a defense movement but he has cottoned on to the fact that he gets more attention and sometimes food the more he stands up. - I hope Daniel gets to see the video clip?
Doris, the mother of Black Adder, was under cover while her namesake Doris, the storm did her worst. The main casualty was the Farm Tour banner which got loose and was in shreds by the morning.
The young hens are trying out various different colour ways for the Spring collection, there will be no shortage of eggs for the massive Birthday cake being planned for 22nd April when Berry's will be 5 years old!

Poor Charlie, the Cockerel doesn't understand why he is spending the Spring in a stable, hopefully the Bird Flu will blow over soon and he can strut about again for all to admire. Selected eggs are heading for the incubator next week ready for the Easter Holidays.
Preparations are under way for the first batch of pet Lambs, we are all dusting down the feeding kit and reminding ourselves of how to make up the Lamb milk.
Duchess, the Berkshire sow will have loads of her own milk, she is sleeping a lot in preparation for the big day in April, happy to take bets on how many piglets she will have, (a tip - size has nothing to do with number of piglets!)
The Highland heifers had a full make over last week: nails/hooves manicured, new ear tags, and hair washed and blow dried, all set for the year ahead. While searching through my photos from last year I came across one of the Highland bull who arrived on 3rd June last year, which is earlier then I remembered, so the very pregnant Highland cows are moving slowly up the hill from the river so we can watch their every move from now on! If my records were digital I wouldn't have surprises like that.
Talking of digital, I am off to Redmire this morning to cold call on some prominent houses to ask if I can use their building to beam a signal into Berry's so our broadband is more constant. Also our Yurts will need a signal in case they tire of the view and need a Netflix or TV catch up. Can you imagine tiring of this view in your shower or hot tub?!

There is a new banner to replace the Doris storm damaged one to advertise that we are open till 5pm, EVERY day which is great for the walkers who want hot food mid-afternoon or a late Sunday lunch. We will be open even later in the Summer months to cater for the early family teas.
There are plenty of events to look forward to, Vinni is booked again after a lively evening last Friday. We also boasted our first engagement announcement on the night, so that got us all dancing! Vinni is back in November which should give his backing group plenty of time to practice the vocals and the moves!

On with the preparations for spring, I hope your preparations/spring cleaning are all going to plan.