Today was one of peace and calm. After all the hustle and bustle of Christmas and the holidays it was special to have time with the animal rounds without meetings or deadlines to worry about. The animals love it too. They know when they are being rushed, fitted in or fed with the torches on! However today, everyone was scratched, brushed and generally fussed over.
I loved seeing all the changes and details we can share with all the Berry's visitors.
Firstly Barnie (short for his breed, Barnevelder), has learnt to crow in the few days I was away - he is thrilled with his new voice and will crow to anyone passing whatever time day or night.
He is very lucky to be moving into his new house soon (knocked up by Tim with a bit of help from a flat pack), once the weather warms up. Also, last years hens which we hatched in the incubator have started to lay with some surprises.

Mango, the Mangalitza Sow was able to enjoy the sunshine in the field, she only has half a day before she starts to turn the grass over like a mechanical digger!
The three heifers were really friendly today. I thought they were pleased to have extra rubbing and scratching, then I noticed Billy lowing behind me and I could see I wasn't the main event, and we've only just finished Christmas! I put it down to the Valentine's cards arriving today.
Rolo had a much needed brush – it’s a small window in his year's coat cycle when you are not covered with clouds of horse hair. I am saving his tail washing until half term, where I hope to have some extra hands.
It's now safe to get out of your car at leisure and amble across the car park to the café, unlike a few days ago when a cock Pheasant decided that Berry's car park was his domain and anyone else wanting to share his space was chased off! No amount of reasoning could persuade him there were other places to live, Berry's was the only option for him! He is now far away and we are all safe.
While on holiday before Christmas, I met a 4 year old Alligator called Wally, luckily for you all he was too long to fit in my suitcase, he was sweet and he would have loved the farm tours.
The Folk night at the end of January is a sell out! Hopefully Vinni and his Michael Buble singing will be equally popular on the last Friday of February. Plans are underway for a romantic Valentine's lunch and the Berry's team are off to learn about wine with our new supplier Bon Coeur.
It was confirmed on Saturday that Berry's really is the jewel of Wensleydale. Radio York had Berry's as the final treasure in a live radio treasure hunt. Luckily our manager, Mandy was around to calm everyone down in the excitement of cameras and microphones!

Enjoy the first snowdrops and a little more light in the mornings.