The highlight of the last 3 weeks has been the Hay Meadow Weekend, we
had lovely weather and the singers and dancers could perform happily with no
rain or wind to cope with. We had stick makers, weavers, spinners and many
suppliers to tempt us with free tasters. The farm tours were popular and the
tractor and trailer rides took families across the hay meadows, around the
highland cattle and they drove around one of the many famous Wensleydale barns
and learnt about life in the dales in the middle ages.

Stick maker at our Hay Meadow Weekend

Musicians at our Hay Meadow Weekend
Our next event at Berry's is the Heather and Honey run on Thursday
25th August - we already have 35 vintage cars booked for this event and it
should be another colourful sight. The cars will be here from 10am until 11am and
then again they will park up after their drive from 12.30pm until 3pm The drivers
will all have lunch in a marquee so there will be lots of space in the café for you to dine
and to view the spectacular cars. Also on 25th August we have a live music evening in the courtyard, with
music provided by young musicians from The Dales. We have 100
tickets to sell for this event, so it will have a wonderful atmosphere. Again
we will be protected from the elements, but we hope for a summer's evening.
On the animal news:
Charlie the cockerel now has a family of 5 hens to keep in order, the 4
hens hatched at Easter have finally joined him so the Light Sussex hen is
having to get used to not being the only hen. You can view these as
you enter Berry's Farmshop and café.

New Hens With Charlie The Cockerel
Harry and Elspeth our sheep have parted with their winter coats. I have
kept them in the barn for anyone to lift them to see what a weight they were!

Harry All Thin Again, Well, Lighter!! Harry and Elspeth a Lot Cooler Without This Lot!
Mango the Mangolitiza sow is enjoying life without her piglets, she has
had several walks and has enjoyed a wallow and bite of grass.
Mango in a Wallow

I Used To Fit!!!!
The piglets are loving
having a lovely time too, they are very independent and enjoying having no
instructions from Mum and going where ever they please!

Piglets Enjoying a Run!
The last 2 gilts (female young pigs) have gone to the abattoir and we
have a wonderful supply of Goldilocks pork made into sausages, belly pork, joints
and bacon - all in time for the BBQ season.

Goldilocks Pork
The Farm Attraction is gearing up for the school holidays - we will have
the farm yard open for people to look at the animals and take part in feeding
at set times. There will be a charge of £3 per person to enter the farm yard.
We will still have the farm tours, but by appointment for groups of 4 or more
and will include feeding, grooming, walking and sometimes bathing the animals.
Last week the Berry's
Team headed up the hill for a clay pigeon shoot and BBQ. For some of the
team clay pigeon shooting was a new experience! There proved to be
some promising talent, so we are hoping some of the team will get the
bug and before long we could have a Berry's team!?