For our Open Farm Sunday the sun shone and we had over 100 extra visitors to Berry's. Some highlights were Tim's Farm tours - here he is showing off the highland cattle.

The smiling Scouts from the 1st Wensleydale Scout Troop helped supervise everything from car-parking to directing visitors, and of course the animals all behaved beautifully.

Thankfully the sun kept shining for the ever popular tractor and trailer rides and for those who fancied a bbq and ice-cream in the farm yard.

Our wool exhibitors were happy to talk about the uses and treatment of wool and fleeces, I think all who came learnt something about farming, so the event was well worth all the hard work.

More news on the animal front - we have taken loan of a wonderful highland bull called Moretti, the new kid on the block. He is staying for 3 months and will hopefully father 3 more calves next spring.The eggs we hatched at 1/2 term are starting to look promising for some more company for Charlie the cockerel, these 2 wheaten marans will be joining him next month and I hope for some nice brown eggs by late summer.

Rolo had his 3 monthly foot/hoof trim, the blacksmith Oliver had to get his glasses on!

The South Devon bull managed to get some black plastic (don't know how) wrapped around his ear, luckily I know the bull and he let me untangle him.

Happily coinciding with the National Healthy Eating Week we have sent one of the 10 month old gilts, to the butcher and we are all waiting to taste the latest Goldilocks pork and bacon. I am hoping to impress our new chef, Craig, who has asked for trotters, bones, head and offal, we are hoping for some stunning brawn and gravy! Craig and Phil have also put together a great menu for Father's Day this Sunday and as usual we will be supplying a free bottle of beer to all the well deserving Fathers.

We also have a new front of house team member, Bridie. Bridie is a fashion student so we might be getting tips on how to wear the Berry's pinny.

The whole team will be concentrating on preparations for our Hay time Festival next weekend on the 25th / 26th June - we are looking forward to dancing and singing displays in the court yard and many craft skills being exhibited. Many suppliers are coming with tasters to tempt you. New participants will be some young salmon in a tank which is part of a scheme to introduce the salmon to the river Ure, this project was supported by Prince Charles on his visit to Berry's last September. We will also have the tractor and trailer rides showing you all the wild flowers and if lucky the highland cattle close up!
Fliers are going out for the jazz and other music performed at Berry's in a marquee on 25th August, it will be a good day at Berry's with 40 vintage cars coming to Berry's during the day as part of their rally and the evening entertainment of live music in the court yard.
On a sad note I found a dead lamb on the farm that had been biten by a dog - this would have been a horrible death and it is why all farmers everywhere insist on dogs being on the lead when walking on their land.