Talk about a late blog. The term " Soft Reset" comes to mind. Not being technologically gifted (nothing to do with age!), I was saved from a dead mobile after a soft reset, and off we go again, so spiritually and physically, recharged and spinning along now.
Late and starting backwards, we finished August in a blaze of rocking and rolling, not quite dry ice but amazing back drops and musicians of all ages and with all my favourite instruments in the band: drums, percussion, guitars, saxophones, trumpets and amazing voices belting out Baker Street and Gerry Rafferty. It was a terrific end to two days of full on entertainment.
The first day, was a day of colour and class, we had 50 pre-war classic cars at Berry's, but I did see my son disappearing in an E type jag with a blonde on the Heather and Honey route!?
There were plaques given out to all those who completed the run, a prize for the most envied car (naturally a shining Bentley) and a prize for the driver who had got up the earliest to get to Berry's. Two weeks later the car park looked like this!

The weather was not a heat haze in August but we managed to run all the Farm Tours. The porkers were a hit with the punters and soon learnt how to play to an audience.
The vet has confirmed that Duchess is " in pig". There was definitely a rib cage on the scan and more than one, so I take everything back about Sherlock, he wasn't just a pretty face. Mango is having a final fling with Sherlock now in the hopes of producing those lovely stripy piglets in four months’ time.
The black Highland bull, Singleton, has left for Blackpool. We are hoping for three black Highland calves in the spring. The original colour for the Highland breed was always black so we hope to breed a black Highland heifer to add to the team. The youngsters have so much character, this one was playing hide and seek with me…
while the others watched indifferently.

The heather has been stunning this year and I have managed the odd day out on the moor with my new friend, Bomber.

I was surprised how quickly the heather flowered and died down, but this photo reminds us how vibrant it was.

Another day out was with a fishing rod as I was lucky enough to be included in a Ladies Day. I thought we were all beginners before a lady came sweeping into the car park with a rod on the roof of her car. Luckily, I had been given some flies especially made for the River Ure so I was able to keep my end up! We eagerly got dressed for the river but no one had the heart to tell us we had our waders on wrong.
The coats should have been over the waders! We soon found out the error of our ways as it rained all day and the water got everywhere. But we are not to be put off. We are off again, determined to get a nibble from one of these perhaps before the season ends.
Part of the reason to get the public on to Berry's Farm is to explain why we have farms in the Dales and the National Parks. It is a worry that when cheaper food is imported into this country after Brexit, people will not support the British farmer and buy British food. I sometimes wonder if we will all be left farming Grasshoppers; cheaper protein to produce than lamb! Certainly, would be a struggle to make the Farm Tours lively!
Berry’s is taking part in a festival celebrating the fantastic, local produce in the Yorkshire Dales, organised by the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority. We are pleased to be hosting a Cheese & Wine evening on the 28th. I am looking forward to the tastings and maybe learning a thing or two. 
Chris Berry is another event to look forward to on 22nd September, he hasn't been to these parts before but seems to have a lively following for his music.
Adrian has thrown away his boot and crutch and is behind the wheel again. He was starting to criticise my driving, something about going into every road drain, so it is time he did his own ferrying about! But he’s still walking with a limp and exercising 3 times a day.
On with September, my favourite month and I have a wedding to plan!