At last the cattle have been put out to grass - it must be a lovely feeling for them after the barns. As if to celebrate the large pale south Devon cow had a lovely calf, we hope to have it on show for 1/2 term and Open Farm Sunday 5th June.
Rabbits, chickens, pigs, goats, sheep are all thrilled to be outside with fresh grass - the only ones horrified to be in a large open space are the 4 pet lambs, huddled by the gate I have relented and let them stay in their nice warm barn.
The calf pen is ready for 2 young calves who are bottled reared and will be coming from the Dent's milking herd, I am off for a lesson on calf rearing tomorrow.
Doris and I set off last week for a maternity check over - and she is definitely " in Kid", the white parts are the bones - she much enjoyed the extra attention and seems to think I will wont to scratch her tummy every day. Her husband's father has just won the Royal Spring Welsh show, her husband Luxor is being shown this summer - we have obviously chosen the right genes!
I think we have hatched 3 hens for Charlie the cockerel, they are very pretty and I will introduce them once they have grown a little more.
On my farm tours I occasionally shared a secret, some Grannies were allowed in on it too - you know who you are - well the message is she is sitting, truly on all 15 eggs!!
We have a new cook in harness and he doesn't look too frightened after 2 days. We are hoping for great ideas for the National Healthy Eating Week beginning 13th June and Father's Day 19th June, watch this space. Laura and Niamh have taken over the baking in the kitchens and have produced some delicious tray bakes and cakes.
Farm Tours will be starting every day at 2pm from Saturday 28th May and will be finishing with bumper tours and tractor rides on Open Farm Sunday 5th June, I am looking forward to them and so are the farm team.