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Bridget's Blog - All Things Wensleydale

Bridget's January Blog - New...
16 Jan 2021 Saturday

Bridget's January Blog - New...


Bridget's Blog


The dogs had a fabulous Christmas when the heating pipe that carried hot water around the house sprung a leak right under their kennel. I couldn’t understand why three dogs with little affection for each other were unusually crowded into...

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Bridget's December Blog -...
7 Dec 2020 Monday

Bridget's December Blog -...


Bridget's Blog


He really did look the business - strong wide shoulders, bristling with male hormones, sniffing the air as he walked down the plank to his new home. It wasn’t his fault, it just slipped out as I whispered very quietly that his pet name was...

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Bridget's November Blog -...
1 Nov 2020 Sunday

Bridget's November Blog -...


Bridget's Blog


I don’t know what happened to October - I remember the first week when Tim was on holiday, so that was a blur of animal movements, feeding and general chaos. Then I was whisked away for my holidays: three days in York in the beautiful...

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Bridget's September Blog -...
15 Sep 2020 Tuesday

Bridget's September Blog -...


Bridget's Blog


"How are you feeling?" It’s lovely having some concern as to my health. "No, how ARE you feeling?" I am in quarantine for 14 days, and there are a few sideways glances at every clearing of the throat. I feel good and...

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Bridget's August Blog - Truth...
11 Aug 2020 Tuesday

Bridget's August Blog - Truth...


Bridget's Blog


You shouldn’t tell lies. I was bringing Tiger and Traffic in from their pen one afternoon and I asked a family nearby if they would like to help. The young boy was so excited about seeing and touching a pig up close. I explained that...

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