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Bridget's Blog - All Things Wensleydale

Bridget's July Blog - Opening Doors
9 Jul 2020 Thursday

Bridget's July Blog - Opening Doors


Bridget's Blog


The doors are slowly starting to open - and it will be good to see some cars in the car parks again. I realised as all the families began to arrive and unpack for their stays in the yurts, it was the sound of children that I had been missing,...

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Bridget's June Blog - An Escape...
12 Jun 2020 Friday

Bridget's June Blog - An Escape...


Bridget's Blog


It is hard trying to think what has changed since last month. There is still plenty of cooking going on, everyone is staying alert to the virus and I am wishing I had paid more attention to the garden last year, not realising how much it would...

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Bridget's May Blog - The Big Clip
4 May 2020 Monday

Bridget's May Blog - The Big Clip


Bridget's Blog


The arrival of the swallows on or around my husband’s birthday is part of our yearly routine, and anticipated with much joy and then relief. This year, we are also anticipating the arrival of a whiteboard not quite with joy but more with...

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Bridget's April Blog - The Boot...
16 Apr 2020 Thursday

Bridget's April Blog - The Boot...


Bridget's Blog


I had escaped upstairs to avoid any more recriminations, but I hadn’t gone far enough and was still in earshot. “Ok - guess this: how many tape measures do you have in the boot room drawer?” I can’t remember ever buying...

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Bridget's March Blog - An Early...
3 Mar 2020 Tuesday

Bridget's March Blog - An Early...


Bridget's Blog


I am bang on trend with the recycling processes, washing out jars and cans and composting anything the animals can’t eat. Even my coffee machine uses filter paper, which the younger generation think is quaint but fiddly. Coffee...

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