Bridget's Blog
June was the month of the" Big Guns" for us! First the wonderful cockerels from Norfolk. We have hatched some pedigree Partridge Brahma chicks, so everything is working and we hope to sell some pedigree lavender and gold partridge Brahma chicks...
I sat next to a man who said his month doesn't properly start until he had read my blog, that's flattery, and there was me thinking it was just the children and some press ganged friends of children who read it! So quickly on with June... Do...
It's like rush hour on the Farm at the moment, Ducklings being marched down to the river, Thrush and Blackbird fledglings being enticed out of their ivy homes to take their first flights, Lambs, Calves, Piglets and baby Rabbits are everywhere!...
This is more like it - so much going on that there's no time to watch the Blackbirds fighting or sneak up on the Partridge hiding somewhere under the Yew hedge. Everything seems to be making babies or fighting for the right to! "Ross, the new...
The minute January is done and dusted, the French Partridge start to strut around the garden. I feel as though I am being inspected, as every bush and border is checked over and nothing distracts them. They are so absorbed that predators and...